Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fun at Little Falls Farm

Friday I visited Little Falls Farm ( in Long Island. I met Terry, her husband and two of her goats at Amelia Kinkade's animal communication seminar some time ago, and had followed up with Terry about visiting her farm, where she has about 20 goats, as well as a number of chickens, a couple of pheasants, peacocks and some other types of birds, about 8 cats, 4 dogs, a rat and a little baby goose.

As for the goats, for the most part I kept my work on them in short spurts. The most receptive of the goats was a baby named True Blue, or Trudy (pictured above) which had been bottle-fed, so it was the most acclimated to people, and it happily stood there as I did ttouch and ear strokes on her long ears, and hair slides, zigzag, abalone touches down her back. She was very affectionate and turned around and looked me right in the eyes.

Diamante (on left) and Show Stopper (baby on right)

My Symphony and Show Stopper

I did some TTouch on the baby girl on the above left, My Symphony, as Terry held it. It had a very cozy look on its face as I worked on its head and around its ears. I also did some baby chimp touches on its body, which it responded to very well.

Another of the young goats, Heavenly Delight (above), who I had met before at the animal communication seminar, was also quite friendly with me, but she wanted to walk, so I followed her a bit, doing a few strokes, giving her a break, then trying again. I did abalone touches down the sides of her spine and some gentle strokes down her legs.
I also did some light Noah's march and llama touches w/the back of the hand on some of the male goats.

After this, Terry introduced me to the chickens, pheasants and other birdlike critters. Above you see the pheasants, George and Gracie and below you see a peacock named Thing (some of the animals have names following an Addams family theme) with unusual coloring (unfortunately it's hard to see the beautiful blue markings around its head), and to the right is Larry, Moe or Curly, not sure which!

I had an opportunity to touch Dori (pictured above left along with Ash on the right), who is a "Silkie", which looks like a fluffy chicken and its feathers are so soft, they feel exactly like rabbit fur. Shortly after this, it started to rain.
At this time, we moved inside and I had a chance to visit and work on one of the dogs, several cats, and the baby goose, named Jazzy.

Jazzy, or Goosie, was rescued by someone else and Terry took it in. The little downy goose stays in a very large crate inside sometimes and other times she lets it walk and hop around the house, all the while making a little cooing sound. She let it out of the crate and I put my hand gently on its back and started doing some light abalone touches. At this point the goose sat down, straddling the arm of the sofa as I touched it. AWW! It settled there for a while, seeming very cozy as I lightly did the touches on its back.

Later, it was walking around on the floor, and you could see that the dogs, cats, etc were very respectful to Jazzy as well as to each other. It really is lovely to see this variety of creatures coexisting peacefully.

Here you see Jazzy with one of the cats. I have to say that Jazzy is quite a charmer, he truly touched my heart. I will post a clip of him walking around and cooing in a separate post.

And of course I did some ttouch also on several of her 8 or so cats and 1 of her 4 dogs. The dog I worked on, who has arthritis, laid right down on its side and did not want to move from its position. The cat pictured above is Half-Pint, a darling little fellow who had been extremely shy but certainly seems to be less so now. He came up to me to receive some TTouch and seemed to be interested in climbing into my bag as well.
Wow! so as you can imagine, when I got home, I was pretty tired. Thanks Terry, for sharing your wonderful crew with me, I truly enjoyed visiting with all of them.

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