Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wrapping at the Gym

Here is Lily, a dear young Doberman (thankfully with ears and tail still intact) who I met at my local gym, and who was adopted from Social Tees by one of the gym staff recently. Her owner brings her to the gym, where she snuggles up under the front desk. She has a sweet disposition and is friendly but is fearful of noisy situations and people, so I offered to do a wrap and some TTouch on her. The wrap (this is actually called a "half-wrap") was immediately effective on Lily, whose body had been shaking and stopped shaking completely once the wrap was on. She seemed a bit confused at first since this was a new feeling, but she settled into it. I did some TTouch on her with the wrap on but the wrap alone seemed to be so dramatic an effect, I didn't want to do too much with her in one fell swoop.
I then let her be and soon she was cuddled up in her spot under the desk, sleeping with a very peaceful look on her face.

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