Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cookie and Oreo: Dancing to the End of the Song

The last part of an animal's journey with us on earth can be a stressful time, but it can also be a beautiful time of connection, feeling and learning how to truly be in the moment with our animals.
I met my friend Cookie McCrory through the main TTouch office and subsequent to that, gave her private TTouch lessons, as well as doing a workshop which she coordinated with the Homeless Cat Network, where she volunteers.  Though we live on opposite coasts, we are always in touch, and share what is going on with us with our animal and human families.  And as I have family out west, I do try to come to the Bay Area several times a year, if possible.
I knew her dear kitty Oreo was very sick.  She had spoken of him often to me, as he loved TTouch so much.  And I was very touched when she sent me the following letter.  With the permission of Cookie and those addressed in the letter, I share this loving tribute:

Above:  Cookie with Oreo: "Do you want TTouch, Oreo?"
(The people referenced in Cookie's letter are Tom Wilson, who teaches Animal Hospice, Dancing to the end of the song. Kathleen Prasad and Leah D'Ambrosio taught Reiki to Cookie.  They are from SARA (Shelter Animal Reiki Association), Kathleen is the founder, Leah is co-founder. Cookie took Ttouch Mini Class with me several times.:) )
Hi Tom, Leah, Kathleen and Sarah, I wanted to share the beautiful passing of my beloved Oreo on to his next journey. I took your hospice class last year, Dancing till the end of the song........
My beloved Oreo was 14 years. We were told he had kidney failure, three months ago. At that time, I reread my class notes on your Hospice class I took. Your class enabled my Oreo and me to enjoy the past three months together and to help us get ready for his next journey. I told him stories each day of our life together, how I found him so scared, no mama and only 6 weeks, all the exciting events we shared...........up today. What wonderful life we had together......... It took almost 2 years for him to trust me. I found him in a fishing net dying at 6 weeks.
We enjoyed Ttouch and Animal Reiki daily. We danced each day to soft music or hula, as my hips swayed he would make happy feet on my shoulders. We sat on the big comfy computer chair in the sun, opened the window and welcomed the fresh air daily. I opt for no fluids, I  wasn't going to chase him daily and confine him in a wrapped towel. He has always been a free spirit ............
"My husband talking story with our Oreo, Hawaiian style"
He was my buddy, the  only one that saw the tears in my eyes and pain in my heart, as my husband battles bone cancer daily. I 'd pick up my Oreo and the pain would disappear, while doing Animal Reiki.. My heart was full of warmth and it came from my Oreo. He looked forward to TTouch throughout the day, I would  just put my hand over his head and his eyes said, "let's do it"!  TTouch brought comfort to him, he was ever so relaxed.........Animal Reiki was welcomed am & pm, especially the chanting, as I chant with my hula. My chants come from my soul. Oreo embraced Animal Reiki, it opened our communication so clearly, he shared that he was okay and that he would be leaving me soon. He was more concerned about me. He taught me it was okay to let go. He would see me when I cross over. When I start my Animal Reiki, his paw would reach out to me, instead of comforting him, he comforted me. He gave me such inner peace. My little warrior.
My vet tech Karen came to my house a couple times a week, to check on him. Sometimes she gave him laser treatment, it made him feel so much better.
He slept in my bed nightly when he became ill. How strange, he knew I needed him, he taught me so much.
"Pastor Elizabeth Blessed our Oreo"

He was blessed by an animal minister I know, that does the Blessing of the Animals. She blessed all my indoor cats and outdoor ferals.
My family and friends came to visit him and wish him well and it was beautiful, not sad.........We were supported with love from everyone. Sat. am he took a turn for the worse, I looked into his eyes and they told me it was time to let him go.......I didn't acknowledge him. Then at 2:00 am, he stood up on me and urinated  on me.  I smiled and told him, that's okay.  ( I'll never forget that moment and he made me smile ) It was like, I told you I was ready to go and you didn't listen to me. You got it now! : )  I cleaned up everything and we spent the night in the bathroom. That am he started to have trembles, I called my vet tech and she came over. She gave him something to relax him. I picked up my love and we danced to the soft chants, till the end of the last song forever. We went to say farewell to the house cats and our two outdoor ferals in the backyard. He had lost the shine in his eyes, didn't want to eat now. I cuddled him in my arms and hummed Hawaiian songs to him. I told him Sugar baby and other furry friends were waiting for him across the Rainbow Bridge. It was okay for him to go, that I will be okay. He  passed  peacefully in my gentle arms.............I was so happy for him he had peace and so did I.
Karen asked if I wanted to spend more time with him. I told her with a smile, we've had 14 wonderful years together and the last 3 months were the best. It was time for him to go on his next journey. His friends are waiting for him. Sugarbaby was at the gate to greet him. I saw him as clear as day. He's the greeter at the Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you for sharing Hospice with me . I'd like to learn more to share with others. Oreo had taught me so much about life, I deeply thank him. Animal Reiki gave us the strength to be as one in his last 3 three months of his journey. TTouch calmed him down and helped soothed any pain that came that way. TTouch has been a part of his daily life for many years. When my friends came over to visit. I would put my hand over his head and he would push it gently, as he loved Ttouch. My friends were amazed.
I was blessed to share Animal Reiki, Ttouch and Hospice with him.
My many friends could not believe how calm and happy I was to be on his journey with him. I shared, it is all about opening your heart and listening to the animal.  When one can learn to be one with their pet, there is an unbelievable communication bond that will take place and it will touch your warm heart.
All of you taught me how to celebrate life and death...................thank you. I must share all of this with my friends and help them, when needed.
                                                 Mahalo nui loa,  Cookie 

                      Reiki is with me all the time. It has brought me inner peace. It helps me daily as my husband battles cancer, accepting what is and enjoying the moment...................... I am Blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Namaste Cookie and blessed new journeys to Oreo!
