Friday, June 19, 2009

Update from Social Tees

Today I went to work on the two cats above plus one other cat who I have been working on at Social Tees (, and we are continuing to make progress. I know the cat pictured on the bottom shelf above looks a bit sad - he is still somewhat reluctant about being touched but he is coming around. He just needs to be approached very quietly and slowly. I am hoping these cats will have a new home by the time I get back from Santa Fe, where I am going tomorrow for the next installment of the TTouch training.

After I finished working, I was talking to Robert (who runs Social Tees). We were standing outside of the shelter, and a woman came by and started to talk to us. She said that she had recently adopted a cat from the shelter, and that he was sweet and not aggressive at all, and was getting along very well with her other cat. It turned out that this was the cat I had worked on in the first two sessions who had been adopted! I was so happy to hear he was doing so well in his new home. She named the cat Matt, which is her brother's name, and she gave the cat this name because she thinks he is so much like her brother, who is a very sweet person. What a lovely way to end the week.

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